Uncategorized February 19, 2016

Carl exner blog 2.19.16

The days are obviously getting longer. That means I can see my yard when I leave in the morning (yea). I wanted to remind people that as the days do get longer there is a need to prepare for spring. A need to clean up those limbs that have fell into your yard and the winter junk that seems to show up. Tey make ugly tripping hazards.

Another thing to be aware of is the need to prune and remove the dead wood before the spring shoots come out. Take a look at those shrubs and plants now so you don’t damage the new growth by waiting too long.

It may be a little early but I have taken off several exterior freeze covers on my faucets because I needed to use them. But I expect we could have some freezing days to come in February yet. I’m not too worried about freezing pipes but I should watch that temperature.

Finally, like many, I received some potted plants for Christmas this past December. Well I noticed that they have already started to bud out. You/I need to get those into the ground now! Or it will be harder on them as the spring comes to us.

Start thinking of SPRING conversion around the house!